Wednesday, 26 August 2020

How do Whales use Magnetism?

 We were Learning what type of animals magnetism and i did a whale! 

Forses and motion - a day of learning

Last week on Wednesday we got to learn different things. We had 3 actives from 3 different Class rooms   Each group completed a activities . The lego one was very hard for me because I dont do very hard things with lego  we had to do a ferries wheel

After that we made DLOs about the 3  activities we completed and what we learnt by them. My DLO is embedded down below.

Thank you for reading this! 

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Friday, 7 August 2020

Digital technology Matariki Project - Blue bots QR codes

For Matariki we learnt about the Stars. We made a special blue-bot mat.  On the mat we had QR codes and  when you scanned them you learnt about the stars. The kids had to code the blue-bots  to get the QR codes.  We learnt that there are nine stars in  the cluster and that each star has its own name or meaning  that is connected to like the sea or the weather.