Friday, 27 September 2019

The Centipede


 A Centipede can live in… soil where they hide from us humans , and they can live under a rock, they like dark places so this will be great for them.. 

 Centipedes can have 28 or 100 legs or more or less . They have a very long body . Centipedes looks a-like. They are brown and black .

Food . 
 Centipede eats worms , spiders and other insects . 

 A centipedes predators are frogs, humans, birds and shrews . 

 How long do centipedes live 
 A centipede can live up to two to three years . 

 A centipede does not have a job but they eat, look after themselves and poop in are garden or are houses.


  1. Talofa lava & Greeting Mea, My Name is Yolanda and I am your buddy. I like this post because it has information and I enjoyed reading it. I can make a connection with your post because last term my School learned about Habitat.

    From you Buddy Yolanda :)

  2. Kia Ora Mea Jessica Here, I Love How You Know SO MUCH About Centipedes Its So Amazing How They Have 100, 28 legs or less or more the thing I love the most is, That centipedes live in soil so they can hide from humans
    Great Job Mea love all of it
    From Your Friend Jessica!!


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