Friday, 10 May 2019

The Amazing Trip

The Amazing Trip

During the school holidays my Mum and my Nana booked tickets for me to go to Whangarei to see my two cousins, Oshan and Jayla and of course,  Nana. 

First we drove  to Arthur’s Pass.  Mum, Griff and I had to go to the toilet. After we were done we  started driving again, we were on the road for another couple of hours.   It was a long trip but it was worth it because we  went  to McDonalds. I was starving!   My mum and Griff got something else to eat instead.  They got Chinese food. When I was eating I was thinking, what if my cousins HATE ME?  hmmm  let's  just hope  that they like me. 

After eating  we went for a walk around the mall.  I WAS SO BORED  but in  10 or 7 mins  we had to go to the airport.    Mum saw this caravan stuck, it was unbelievable, IT WAS  SO DANG LONG  TO GET A PARK! Griff  just  said get out and go inside I will go and find a park.  Mum sighed, alright came on Mea. I said ok. After that it was time to go.  I hug mum. Griff just made it so I hugged him and went on the plane. I got sad  and  started to sob   but I was alright.

 I met two girls and they were  REALLY nice.  We became friends,  we had great fun  and that was my story about  The Amazing Trip 

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